Bestyrelsen har i dag måttet træffe den kedelige beslutning at aflyse årets snittefest.
Baggrunden er naturligvis at ingen ved om corona forventes at være ”udryddet” når vi når frem til pinse, eller om myndighederne til den tid vælger at forlænge de forskellige forholdsregler…
Da flere af årets deltagere og workshopholdere tillige kommer fra udlandet, har vi fundet beslutningen som det mest ansvarlige i den nuværende situation, selvom der endnu er længe til pinse.
I praksis betyder det, at alle jer der allerede har købt billet til årets snittefest vil få det fulde beløb tilbage snarest muligt.
Er man medlem af foreningen vil det indbetalte kontingent for 2020 i stedet overføres til 2021 så I derved bevarer jeres tilmeldingsfordel næste år, hvor vi naturligvis vender stærkt tilbage med ”Danmarks skarpeste festival”.
Er man medlem af foreningen vil det indbetalte kontingent for 2020 i stedet overføres til 2021 så I derved bevarer jeres tilmeldingsfordel næste år, hvor vi naturligvis vender stærkt tilbage med ”Danmarks skarpeste festival”.
Vil man melde sig ind i foreningen (koster 50.-) kan man skrive til
Vi arbejder lige nu på en mulig snittedag/generalforsamling efter sommerferien. Når dette falder på plads, sender vi naturligvis mail ud om det til medlemmerne.
Vi beklager naturligvis aflysningen, men håber på jeres forståelse…
Med venlig hilsen
We have sadly chosen to cancel this years snittefest.
The background is of course the corona virus. Noone knows if it will be under control at whitsun or if there will still be extensive restrictions on travel and gatherings.
As several participant and workshop teachers are from abroad we have chosen to cancel even though there is still a good while until whitsun.
Practiacally it means you will get a full refund as soon as possible.
Are you a member of the association this years fee will be moved forward and you will continue to be a member until 2021. You will therefor still be able to book early when we return next year.
If you want to become a member (costs 50dkk) you can write to
We are working on a possible whittling day/annual general meeting after the summer holidays. When this is finalized we will inform the members.
We have sadly chosen to cancel this years snittefest.
The background is of course the corona virus. Noone knows if it will be under control at whitsun or if there will still be extensive restrictions on travel and gatherings.
As several participant and workshop teachers are from abroad we have chosen to cancel even though there is still a good while until whitsun.
Practiacally it means you will get a full refund as soon as possible.
Are you a member of the association this years fee will be moved forward and you will continue to be a member until 2021. You will therefor still be able to book early when we return next year.
If you want to become a member (costs 50dkk) you can write to
We are working on a possible whittling day/annual general meeting after the summer holidays. When this is finalized we will inform the members.
We regret the cancelation, but count on your understanding
Kind regards
The board
Kind regards
The board
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